IA-04. Class 16. II Bimester. 2024


Please, remember to keep your camera on during the whole class

(Student manual, articles 3 and 4): https://www.centrocultural.cr/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Reglamento-Estudiantil.pdf


Class objective: Students will be able to apply the combination of "enough," "not enough," and "too" + adjectives by means of games, grammar exercises, and spoken activities in order to talk about abilities.

Students will be able to review the structure and uses of the past perfect by means of games, grammar exercises, and spoken activities in order to talk about different stages in their life.



Agenda for today: 

  1. Warm up
  2. Finish Unit 5C
  3. Complete the reading activity in Unit 5D
  4. Start Unit 6A
  5. Exit ticket


Warm up Game: Phrasal verb review

  • Get in groups 👩‍💻👨‍💻👩‍💻👨‍💻
  • Share the screen
  • Open the boxes
  • Choose the correct answer for each question about the meaning of phrasal verbs




Open the Interactive Digital Resource 2


you are enough text

Unit 5C: Use too and enough  to talk about abilities


Pre-Grammar Practice



Read #1

  • Go to page 13  📖
  • Read the text in Grammar: Enough, Not Enough, Too + Adjective
  • Go to page 55  📖
  • Read the text in Lesson C: Enough, Not Enough, Too + Adjective


Grammar theory #1




Enough, Not Enough, Too + Adjective


Book: Grammar #1

  • Go to page 9  📖
  • Complete exercises C and D
  • Check together


Book: Grammar #2

  • Go to page 55 (Lesson C)  📖
  • Complete exercise A
  • Check together


Book: Grammar #3

  • Go to page 70 📖
  • Complete exercise C
  • Check together


Book: Grammar #4

  • Go to page 74  📖
  • Complete exercise D
  • Check together


Game #1: too / enough

  • Get in groups 👩‍💻👨‍💻👩‍💻👨‍💻
  • Share your screen
  • Play the game 🎮
  • Check together


Speaking #1

  • Get in groups 👩‍💻👨‍💻👩‍💻👨‍💻
  • Share the screen
  • Open the boxes
  • Ask and answer the questions

Remember to take notes about the conversation!


Read #2

  • Go to page 14📖
  • Read the text in "Making a Difference: Bali"
  • Complete exercises B and C on page 15 📖


Speaking #2

  • Get in groups 👩‍💻👨‍💻👩‍💻👨‍💻
  • Share the screen
  • Pick the cards
  • Ask and answer the questions

Remember to take notes about the conversation!



person molding vase

Unit 6A: Talk about different stages in your life


Vocabulary #1

  • Go to page 20 📖
  • Read the text in "Vocabulary" 👀
  • Complete exercise B
  • Check together


Vocabulary #2

  • Go to page 76 📖
  • Complete exercise A
  • Check together


Read #3

  • Go to page 20  📖
  • Read the text in Grammar: The Past Perfect
  • Go to page 56  📖
  • Read the text in Lesson A: The Past Perfect



Grammar theory #2



Picture taken from: https://languageinfographics.wordpress.com/


 Irregular verb list

  • Go to page 101 in your book
  • If you need a longer list, look for them here:



Book: Grammar #5

  • Go to page 21  📖
  • Complete exercise C
  • Check together


Book: Grammar #6

  • Go to page 55 (Lesson A)  📖
  • Complete exercises A and B
  • Check together


Book: Grammar #7

  • Go to page 82 📖
  • Complete exercise B
  • Check together



Exit ticket:

What is something you never have "too much" of?

Tell the teacher your answer or write your answer bellow 👇 or in the Zoom chat





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