Class #25. IA-01


Please, remember to keep your camera on during the whole class

(Student manual, articles 3 and 4):



Class objectiveTo ask about clothes, buy clothes, and express likes and dislikes.




Important Phrases

#1. How do you say...?

#2. What is ...?

#3. Please, repeat.

#4. I don't understand.

#5. How do you pronounce...?

#6. How do you write...?


Open the link:


Warm Up: Memory game

  • Get in groups 👩‍💻👨‍💻👩‍💻👨‍💻
  • Share the screen
  • Flip the cards
  • Match the pictures with the name of the piece of clothing they represent  



woman in black long sleeve shirt standing in front of clothes

Unit 8B: Buy clothes

Follow the instructions of teacher Ana


photo of store

Unit 8A: Ask about clothes


Grammar Theory #1



Book: Grammar #1

  • Go to page 46  📖
  • Complete exercises D and E
  • Check together


Game #1: Questions with can/ could



Book: Grammar #2

  • Go to page 8  📖
  • Complete exercises B and C
  • Check together


Speaking #1

  • Get in groups
  • Prepare a conversation about the next situation:
  • Student A: You have a job interview/ a party/ a date/ an invitation to a wedding, but you don't the perfect clothes to go. Ask your friend(s) for advice about what kind of clothes you can wear. You can also ask to borrow clothes from them.
  • Student B: Your friend (student A) has a problem related to clothes. Help them with advice or lend them some of your clothes.

Possible phrases to use:

  1.  Can I borrow your (piece of clothing), please?
  2.  What do you think I should wear?
  3. What color(s) do you recommend?
  4. I don't have a (piece of clothing). Where can I get a good one?
  5. I can lend you my (piece of clothing)
  6. I think you should wear (piece of clothing)
  7. I think a good color is...

Get ready to present your conversation in front of the class



brown wooden like blocks

Unit 8C: Express likes and dislikes

Write #1

  • Make a list of thing you like and dislike
  • Get ready to talk about them
Things I like Things I don't like


Speaking #2

  • Get in groups
  • Ask and answer the next questions:
  1. What are things that you like? Why?
  2. What are things that you don't like? Why?

Remember to take notes about the conversation!


Grammar theory #2


Book: Grammar #3

  • Go to page 49  📖
  • Complete exercise C
  • Check together


Game #2: Object Pronouns


Game #3: Object Pronouns


Game #4: Object Pronouns (9 sentences)


Object Pronoun Quizizz

  • Click on "play"


Write #2

  • Go to page 50
  • Write 4 more options in the numbered section of the chart
  • Get ready to ask questions and take notes.



Speaking #3

  • Get in groups
  • Ask and answer questions about the list in your chart.
  1. Do you like jeans?
  2. Do you like the color red?




Exit ticket: 

What is an ability you don't have, but that you want to have?




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