Present continuous and Gerunds


Present continuous and Gerunds



ALL the "continuous" and progressive tenses (past, present, future, perfect) ALWAYS have 2 elements:

-Verb "be" (was, were, am, is, are, been)

-A gerund (verb + ing)



*Present continuous/ Present Progressive

Picture source:




NEVER combine verb "be" with do, does, don't, doesn't in the present continuous/ progressive.


*Stative Verbs

Picture source:




Depending on what you want to communicate, you can use the stative verbs in gerund form.

For example:

Right now, I am thinking about the answer

(Here, it's correct because it is something happening in this moment).

I usually think about the future and how I can prepare for it.

(Here, you are talking about a habit and not something happening at the moment).


*Going to

Picture source:



Picture source:

Both "will" and "going to" can be used to talk about the future.

The difference is:



*Uses of Gerunds:

Picture source:




Speaking: Gerunds/ Present continuous

Speaking (simple present vs present continuous):


Grammar Practice


Game #1: Present continuous (uses)


Game #2: Present continuous vs Simple present





Game #3: Stative Verbs (classification):


Game #4: Stative Verbs





Game #5: Going to


Game #6: Going to (Predictions)





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